TC 102* Terms of Reference (2014-2017)
Note: formerly TC16 - In-Situ Testing Formal Report to ISSMGE (2009-2013): 2013 TC 102 Administrative Report.docx (44 kB)
The TC proposes to a seven part mission with the following objectives:
1. To promote the utilization and improve the interpretation of in-situ tests to enhance geotechnical site characterization, including the the determination of soil and rock properties, use of borehole techniques, penetration tests, and geophysical methods, and their variance.
2. Maintain an international website and email network, as well as hold several meetings, for interactive communication among the TC 102 members and geotechnical affiliates to share ideas, information, and technical solutions. The current TC 102 website is: - (now updated to
3. Host the 5th international conference on site characterization (ISC-5) in Brisbane, Australia in September 2016 to exchange theoretical, practical, and applied research in the area of in-situ testing and geotechnical site investigation. Also planned is the 3rd IS on CPT in Las Vegas: 4. Maintain a set of international guidelines and standards for in-situ testing methods for reference on procedures and interpretation.
5. Upgrade the social importance & relevance of our geotechnical discipline within eyes of the public, private, commercial, industrial, and military communities.
6. TC 102 members plan to continue their interactivities with sister Technical Committee TC 101 (Laboratory stress-strain-testing behavior).
7. Prepare a list of important and relevant publications (best reading materials) on the topics of in-situ testing and geotechnical & geophysical site characterization as a reference source and guide to members.