TC 102 - Terms of Reference (2014-2017)
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Free Fall Harpoon CPT
In-Situ Testing in Geomechanics (2010)
Free Fall Harpoon CPT
A variety of different penetrometers ranging from 1-cm2 to 10-cm2 (standard), 15-cm2, and larger have been developed that include cone tip resistance (qc, corrected qt), sleeve friction, and other measurements (porewater pressure, inclination, lateral stress, resistivity, pH). Added sensors include videocam for documenting materials during penetration, geophones for seismic downhole velocities, and pressuremeter modules for full-displacement PMT.
Cone Penetrometers
Cone penetration words.doc (28 kB)
For special case of investigating the upper 10 to 15 m of seabed sediment in rivers, lakes, seas, and other bodies of water, a number of free-fall dropped penetrometers have been developed by the USA, Canada, and Germany. These use gravity forces and a cabled-tether to repeatedly drop a large 100-mm diameter dynamic electronically-instrumented piezocone overboard that decelerates upon impact with the mudline.
FFCPT - Harpoon Style dynamic piezocone penetrometer
Updated by Paul Mayne, 15/07/2012
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