TC 102 - Terms of Reference (2014-2017)
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The JKM Lectures
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In-Situ Testing in Geomechanics (2010)

The James K. Mitchell Lecture Series

A special series of keynote lectures were established by TC 102/TC 16 circa 2002 in the name of Professor James K. Mitchell (Univ. of California Berkeley and Virginia Tech) who was an early leader in the research areas of in-situ testing and site characterization, as well as other geotechnical topics involving ground modification, geoenvironmental concerns, micromechanics, geochemistry, and soil behavior. 

The TC102 chooses a special lecturer every 2 years and the keynote is presented at a major conference or symposium.  The technical paper is published along with the proceedings, as well as in a special agreement, is also published in the international journal:  Geomechanics and Geoengineering (Taylor & Francis Group, London).  Todate, there have been 9 JKM lectures and the next one will be held during CPT'22 in Bologna.

 Lecturer  Conference Presentation
2004   Hai-Sui Yu, Univ. of Nottingham, UK   ISC-2, Porto, Portugal 
 2006   Paul W. Mayne, Georgia Inst. Technology, USA   GeoShanghai, China
 2008   Dick Campanella, Univ. British Columbia    
 ISC-3, Taipei, Taiwan
 2010  Tom Lunne, Norwegian Geotech Inst., Norway   
  CPT'10, Huntington Beach, California
 2012    Peter K. Robertson, Gregg Drilling, USA 
 ISC-4, Pernambuco, Brazil
 2014   Mike Jamiolkowski, Studio Geotecnica, Italy 
  CPT'14, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
 2016 An-Bin Huang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
 ISC-5, Brisbane/Gold Coast, Australia
2017 J.M.Powell, GeoLabs Ltd.
19th ICSMGE, Seoul'2017
2021  Fernando Schnaid, UFRGS, Brazil  ISC’6, Budapest 2020/21 
2022 António Viana da Fonseca, FEUP, Portugal CPT'22, Bologna 2022  

10th James K. Mitchell Lecture in CPT'22, Bologna, June 10, 2022

António Viana da Fonseca

In situ and lab tests work together to reduce uncertainties in TSF fragility assessment: a benchmark case-history



TC 102 Honour Lecture in ISC’6, Budapest, 28th Spt. 2021

9th JK Mitchell Lecture

Fernando Schnaid (UFRGS, Brazi)

On The Geomechanics and Geocharacterization of Tailings

TC 102 Honour Lecture in 19ICSMGE       

the 8th JK Mitchell lecture, delivered by John Powell

In-situ Testing – 
Ensuring Quality in equipment, operation and Interpretation, can we?

Kelly Cabal and Mike Jamiolkowski (2014 JKM Lecture) and Linda Robertson at CPT'14

James K. Mitchell, Peter K. Robertson (2012 JKM Lecture), Tom Lunne (2010 JKM Lecture) and
 John J.M Powell (2017 JKM Lecture) at the CPT'10 event in Huntington Beach, California

An-Bin Huang, the 2016 James K. Mitchell, with Jim Mitchell, Paul Mayne (2006 JKM Lecture) and António Viana da Fonseca

All James K. Mitchell Lectures are (also) published here for archival referencing.


Updated by Isabel Figueiredo Lopes, 29/07/2022
Provided by Webforum