TC 102 - Terms of Reference (2014-2017)
Members List
Latest Conferences endorsed by TC102 "UPDATED"
Upcoming events - 2016-2020 "UPDATED"
The JKM Lectures
Silvano Marchetti Award - Regulations
Technical Books and Manuals
ISC Symposia: Papers
CPT Symposia: Papers
DMT Symposia: Papers
PMT Symposia: Papers
Annual Meetings - Past
Free Fall Harpoon CPT
In-Situ Testing in Geomechanics (2010)


6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC’6),


was held in Budapest, 26-30 September 2021


4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT’18 


was held in Delft, the Netherlands, 21-22 June, 2018 

GeoMEast 2018 International Conference 

Cairo, Egypt,
 Nov. 24-28, 2018


Activities on behalf of ISSMGE-TC102 in GeoMEast 2018 (Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 24-28, 2018):

-joint workshop organized under the support from TC 102 (In Situ Testing) and the TC 211 (Ground Improvement) on Ground Improvement: Design, Quality Control and Acceptance Testing (https://geomeast.org/En/93/Details.aspx);

-  Keynote Lecture by Serge Varaksin and Babak Hamidi on The State of Practice of In-situ Tests for Design, Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Ground Improvement Works (https://geomeast.org/En/KeynoteLectures.aspx#SergeVaraksin)



19th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Seoul, 17-22 September 2017

Participation of the TC in the 19ICSMGE , organized by the Korean Society on SMGE, in September, 2017, in Seoulresponsible  of organizing the TC102 Session (In Situ Tests for Ground Characterization) and thematic workshops.


Two Technical Sessions organized by TC102

Wednesday, 20 September, 2017

Session 1: 09:00~10:30 
Chair: A. Viana da Fonseca, U Porto; Co-Chair: In seong Jang, KMO University),

  • Report of the 32 papers by Paola Monaco, U. L’Aquila, Italy, followed by oral presentation of 6 papers

Session 2: 11:00~12:30 
Chair: An-Bin Huang, Nat. Chiao Tung Univ.; Co-Chair: Jong-Sub Lee, Korea Univ.)

  • Oral presentation of 9 papers and room discussion.

Poster session will be undergoing from 9:00 to 12:30



Prof Silvano Marchetti Memorial Session on In-Situ Testing



Michelle Jamiolkowski, Paul W. Mayne, Peter K. Robertson, Fernando Schnaid, Roger Failmezger, Paola Monaco, Diego Marchetti

The invited lecturers have a wide experience with the DMT, as well as a longtime cooperation and friendship with Prof. Silvano Marchetti. Distinctive contributions on how DMT can provide in a routine site investigation information on stress history and working strain soil stiffness (load-displacement test) will be given. In the SDMT the additional measurement of the shear wave velocity Vs provides information also on small strain stiffness. Current trends and ongoing developments of DMT/SDMT research and practice include: application of a multi-parameter/multi-test approach, combining DMT/SDMT and other in situ tests (mostly CPT/CPTU); deriving in situ stiffness decay curves from SDMT; interpretation in "non-textbook" soil; liquefaction assessment based on DMT/SDMT; equipment upgrade (e.g. nearshore/seafloor test setup).


GeoMEast 2017 International Conference 

held in 
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 15-19 July, 2017 



5th international conference on Site Characterization (ISC-5) (http://www.isc5.com.au/)

ICS'5 was held in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 5-9 Sept. 2016 chaired by Allan McConnell, with Richard Kelly and Barry Lehane and included the 7th J. K. MITCHELL LECTURE by Prof. An-Bin Huang.

The December 2016 issue of the Australian Geomechanics journal, including papers from the Seventh James K Mitchell Lecture and other keynote lectures presented at ISC’5, is now available for download from the AGS website:



The conference held the 3rd annual meeting of the ISSMGE TC102 in Surfers Paradise Room at 6-09-2016 (19:00-20:00).


XV Pan-American Conf. Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engin. (15-18 Nov. 2015):

The Technical Committee TC-102 supported the session on the topic “1B – In situ testing (http://conferencesba2015.com.ar/);

XVI European Conf. Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (13-17 Sept 2015):

TC-102 members have participated actively in the conference, including chairing the two sessions on Investigation and In-situ Testing, participating in TC211 workshop on “Design, Quality Control and Quality Assurance for ground improvement works”:


and participating in the second TC102-ISSMGE meeting held in the venue of the conference on 15-9-2015, 18.30-20:30.

The 3rd international conference on the Flat Dilatometer (DMT'15)

The Technical Committee TC-102 of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI) in cooperation with L'Aquila University have endorsed DMT'15 in Roma (Italy).  It was  held June 15-17, 2015 at the “Parco dei Principi” Grand Hotel in Rome (Italy).

Details in
www.dmt15.com and info@dmt15.com.

We owe to our colleagues Silvano Marchetti, Paola Monaco and Diego Marchetti the excellent organization.

Proceedings are available in:


The International Symposium "ISP7-PRESSIO 2015”:

The 60th Anniversary of the pressuremeter, “ISP7” was organized for the first time in Africa, by the Tunisian Association of Soil Mechanics (ATMS) as part of the 16th African Reg. Conf. SMGE (www.cramsg2015.org/isp7-pressio2015/), from April 27 – 30, 2015 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

Permanent International Committee of Pressuremeter - Session Report of ISP7-Pressio 2015

We owe to our colleagues Wissem FRIKHA, Michel GAMBIN, Serge VARAKSIN, the excellent organization.


Proceedings are available under request. 





The 5th international workshop on CPTU and DMT in Soft Clays and Organic Soils (Poznan, Poland. September, 2014).



The 3rd International Symposium on CPT
, 12 May 2014, in Las Vegas, USA (www.cpt14.com).

Papers available in http://www.cpt14.com/cpt14-papers

Other proceedings also available:


ESOPT: http://www.cpt14.com/esopt-proceedings

Updated by Isabel Figueiredo Lopes, 23/12/2021
Provided by Webforum