4rd Annual Meeting of ISSMGE TC102 Tuesday, 19 September, 2017 19th ICSMGE, Seoul, Korea
(Lunch-time 12:50-14:00 Room 203A)
- Short introduction of the venue.
- Short introduction of the four LOC members.
- Structure of the organizing committees, roles, responsibilities
o LOC “core” committee
o Local Advisory Committee (9 Hungarian members)
o International Advisory Committee: not decided yet, our intention is to present a “not full list”.
o A group of people who could help in reviewing
Schedule, milestones
o ICSMGE2017 first flyer (date, venue, contact information)
o The first announcement: CPT’18, finalized the topics, main theme, committees
o The second announcement 2019 ISSMGE conferences. Additional information: Keynote lectures, Mitchell lecture, registration etc.
o The finalization of the program and third announcement is scheduled to 2020 April- Role of TC102 board. What are the things that are proposed or must be approved by the TC
o Keynotes, Mitchell lecture
o Short courses
Summary of the 4th Annual Meeting of ISSMGE TC102
Minutes TC102 Meeting 19th ICSMGE
Summary of the 3rd Annual Meeting of ISSMGE TC102
ISC’5 Golden Coast, Queensland, Australia 6-9-2016, 18:00-20:00
The meeting summary is presented in the following files, including the opening presentation, the list of participants and the themes discussed. Thank you very much to all the participants in this fruitful reunion.
3rd ISSMGE TC102 Meeting opening presentation TC 102 Meeting List of Participants TC102 Meeting Summary CPT18 update
October, 2016
On behalf of ISSMGE-TC102, António Viana da Fonseca (chair of TC102)
3rd Annual Meeting of ISSMGE TC102
ISC’5 Golden Coast, Queensland, Australia 6-9-2016, 19:00-20:00
The third TC102-ISSMGE meeting will be held for the occasion of the 5th Site Characterization Conference (ISC'5: http://www.isc5.com.au/) in Gold Coast, Australia, in venue’s “Surfers Paradise” room: https://www.jupitersgoldcoast.com.au/functions/conference-venues) at the end of the first day of the conference sessions Tuesday, the 6 September, evening.
The proposed AGENDA of the meeting is the following:
a. News: recent past events and future collaborations of TC102 in near future events, new members, TC102 website, Webinars; etc;
Joek Peuchen will present the state-of-preparation of CPT’18 in Delft;
b. TC 102 Honour Lecture in 19ICSMGE, Seoul 2017, the 8th JK Mitchell lecture, delivered by John Powell;
c. ISC’6: presentations of the bids to host the conference and election;
The decision will be based on these votes, plus the votes received from the members that have expressed their preferences by e-mail based just on documentation
d. TC102 participation in 19ICSMGE, Seoul 2017:
- prepare the discussion sessions; and,
- prepare a workshop
The proposal of a theme on: “The Effect of Uncertainty in Site Characterization on the Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential and Induced Deformations” has been sent;
- 4th meeting of TC102, including election of the chair and the new mandate.
e. Other subjects
July, 2016
On behalf of ISSMGE-TC102,
The core group:
António Viana da Fonseca (chair)
Roberto Coutinho (V-Chair), Jason DeJong (Sec.), Richard Kelly, Joek Peuchen, John Powell, Assaf Klar
Summary of the
2nd Meeting of ISSMGE TC102
Held in
XVI ECSMGE Edinburgh - 15-9-2015, 18.30-20:30
The participants were Michele Jamiolkowski (Italy), Hakan Garin (Sweden), Lucia Simeoni (Italy), Joek Peuchen (Netherlands), Darren Ward (UK), Michael Premstaller (Austria), Erich Saurer (Austria), Sophie Messerklinger (Austria), Francesca Buselli (Italy), Luisa Dimitri (Albania), Zbigniew Bednarczyk (Poland), Zbigniew Mlynarek (Poland), Jedrzej Wierzbicki (Poland), John Powell (UK), Tom Lunne (Norway), Canan Emrem Kulac (Turkey), Emoke Imre (Hungary), Paul Mayne (USA) and António Viana da Fonseca (Portugal).
During this meeting, different points were discussed: news (recent past events and future collaborations of TC102 in near future events, new members, refreshing of TC102 website, new textbooks on In Situ Testing, Webinars; etc).
On the ISC’5 state-of-the-art and outcomings, the organizers informed that the number of submitted abstracts was increasing rapidly.
TC 102 proposal of James K. Mitchell Lecturer, Dr. John Powell, for Honour Lecture in 19ICSMGE, Seoul 2017, was also commented and the expected results was expected before the Pan-American CSMGE in Argentina.
The decision that James K. Mitchell Lecture of Site Characterization (TC102) has been selected as one of ISSMGE Honours Lectures at the 19th ICSMGE was then transmitted to TC102 chair by Prof. Dong-Soo Kim, president of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Organizing Committee. We congratulate Dr. John Powell for having accepted this invitation which proved to be a good choice.
ISC’6 was also discussed and the possibility to change our conference to 2019 is on schedule.
Other subjects such as specialty symposia/conferences (S_s/c): CPT/ DMT / PMT, Geophysics and sub committees on specialty testing equipment/systems were addressed.
The chair informed that, following the ISP’7, 2015 Pressio Symposium, a new international committee on pressuremeter, whose task is to organize future symposia starting with the ISP-8, was created. One of the objectives is establish a database in coordination with the TC 102 and TC 211 of Pressuremeter users worldwide, to help in draft recommendations on the use of Pressuremeter, to support the upgrading of standards. TC102 chair will be invited to be member of the secretariat.
Finally a fruitful discussion to propose special publications to international editors from selected papers or from keynote lectures, conducted to a consensus that this should considered in the future. Both alternatives to direct this to special volumes/numbers on international journals or in speciality book series would motivate the authors to increase the quality of the articles and the visibility of our meetings.
The example of the special number on Site Characterization from In Situ Testing of Soils and Rocks International Journal (http://www.soilsandrocks.com.br/soils-androcks/SR37-3.pdf) was illustrated and the prospective special number of DMT’15 was also presented.
November, 2015